Dana VanderLugt | Writer


Booking an Event: 

I am happy to visit your school, library, bookstore, organization, or book club to talk about Enemies in the Orchard, its historical background, my writing process, and/or navigating the world of publishing. I love to do Q&As, and as a former middle school English teacher, would be happy to lead hands-on writing exercises. 

Simply contact me, and let’s talk about what you need for your students, library, or community. We can work together to create something for just about any budget.

I also have worked with a couple of schools to be their featured author for One School, One Book (a school-wide reading program) and provided reading calendars, discussion questions, videos, and an author visit for the kick-off!

For more information, author interviews, excerpts, or images, you can also contact Sara Merritt at [email protected].


Upcoming Events: