by Dana VanderLugt | Mar 8, 2019 | On faith, On living
My Ash Wednesday story was posted on The Twelve blog this week, and I’ve been praying my favorite Frederick Buechner quote from his memoir, Telling Secrets: “My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it anything like right,...
by Dana VanderLugt | Jul 28, 2017 | On living
We were gathered around a table for book club — a book club that does include some discussion of a book, but mainly provides a chance to decompress, to gather a group of women around a patio and chat without being needed or summoned by anyone else for a few...
by Dana VanderLugt | May 27, 2017 | On faith, On living, On parenting
One of the most maddening, is-it-bedtime-yet moments in my parental life is when, most often in the car, one of my kids whines because his brother is looking at him the wrong way. “He is smiling at me,” they cry and whine. Or even “He keeps looking at me.”...
by Dana VanderLugt | Mar 1, 2017 | On faith, On living
(A version of this piece was first published on The Twelve.) During the summer, my schedule permits me to take a walk nearly every morning, just after sunrise. I pop in headphones, tune into a podcast, and head for my favorite path. Quiet neighborhood...
by Dana VanderLugt | Jan 2, 2017 | On living
My New Year’s Resolutions (or New Year’s Good Intentions) are often like my housecleaning — I walk in one room to vacuum, then bend over to pick up a few Nerf bullets strewn about from my kids’ last battle, and suddenly I am gathering up old...