by Dana VanderLugt | Apr 29, 2017 | On living, On parenting, On teaching, On Writing
A friend once told me that if you really want to do something, first write down all the good excuses you’ve got not to do it. When it comes to writing, I’ve got a few: All the words have been said. I don’t have the right notebook or pen. People will think I’m a fake....
by Dana VanderLugt | Nov 23, 2016 | On living, On teaching, On Writing
One of my favorite parts of teaching is writing with my students. In my Hope College class this fall, we did a series of writing experiments — assignments more focused on exploration than perfection. One of my favorites was an imitation of a...
by Dana VanderLugt | Sep 2, 2016 | On living, On teaching
It took me awhile to enjoy rollercoasters. I was a nervous, cautious kid, not one to take risks — and it wasn’t until high school that I remember being talked into venturing onto a rollercoaster and walking off the platform with a smile on face. My...
by Dana VanderLugt | Jul 21, 2016 | On faith, On living, On teaching
Definition: (Adjective) At an equal distance from the extremities of something Synonyms: Center or Midst, suggesting that a person or thing is closely surrounded or encompassed on all sides, especially by that which is thick or dense; such as the midst of a...